Auf dem Rückweg hatten wir dann noch einen sensationellen Blick auf die Alpen und den Mont Blanc....also ich bin immer wieder fasziniert.
Ab Mittwoch hieß dann Ferien bei den Großeltern in Duingt am Lac d' Annecy. Ein wunderschönes ehemaliges Hotel zum Traumhaus umgebaut, mit Blick auf den und Zugang zum See. Außerdem kam ich so in den Genuss Annecy mal wieder zu besichtigen und Sonntag sogar einen Kurzausflug nach Courchevel zu tätigen. In diesem Herbst zeigen sich die Bäume tatsächlich von ihrer besten Seite und vor allem ihre besten Farben. Dazu noch Sonnenschein und beschneite Gipfel in der Ferne, das hat auch was für sich.
So bin ich also bunt in den November gestartet und Halloween ist auch spurlos an mir vorüber gegangen, juhuuu.
Finally we're on vacations, which means holidays for the children since the 26th of October. For this time you need lots of activities, which already started on Monday. Mummy Sophie the children and me went on a little trip to Geneva into a small animal parc and a children
's playground, which was quite adventures. Great for children. On Tuesday i took the children with me into the Jura to the so called Polar Park near Chaux-Neuve, where we also saw quite a lot of cool animals. Wolves, Snowdogs, reindeer, wild horses and others, but with the difference that no fences separated us from the animals, but we were with them inside. For a 3years old girl who just had vomit into the car 20 minutes earlier this was a scary adventure and for the au-pair a tiring task. Certainly because the wolves and dogs seemed to adore the little child in my arms. But it was a really cool park, and i hope I'll see it again in January with snow then. On our tour back, we could again see the impressive massif of the alps and the Mont-Blanc......so I'm fascinated every time even more and more.
Since Wednesday we're then with the grandparents in Duingt at the lake of Annecy. A nice little hotel transformed into a beautiful house with an awesome view of the lake. And that was my chance to see Annecy again and on Sunday we even made a little trip to Courchevel. This autumn is just incredible, with all those beautiful colors. And with that the warm sunshine and a view on the snowy mountains not that far away......that is a good thing too.
I love your stories and the pics are also awsome again! :)
AntwortenLöschenAnd for sure we are going top the Park Polaire in January when we are visiting you :D
~Steffi :)
wunderschöne Bilder!!!
AntwortenLöschenliebe Grüsse aus Aix!
Danke,Ophelie! Ich muss dich echt mal in Aix besuchen kommen. Da ist es auch soooooo schön!Was machst du da?